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iO Energy


To create a smooth user experience from the initial phase of signing into iO Energy's website, all the way through to the end point of purchasing their product. The primary objective is to sign suitable and additional customers, whilst also making the user journey as delightful and enticing as possible. 


iO Energy's key proposed areas of focus:


  • Sign suitable customers to iO Energy

  • Entice users to start signup flow

  • Minimise friction of user flow

  • Maximise customer delight of user flow



Client / 

iO Energy

Role / 

UX/UI Designer

Timeframe / 

2.5 Weeks

Year / 


Residential Problem Statement

"Australians are not incentivised enough to understand their current electrical bill(s), what type of competitive offers are available and are unsure where to check to see if their energy is renewable and if it benefits them cost-wise."

Business Problem Statement

"Australian businesses are hesitant to sign up to iO Energy because they are confused by how the cost benefits them and the information on renewable energy is unclear."

Research Plan

Desktop research

Heuristic evaluation

Survey responses

Competitor analysis

One to one interviews

Research Insights

From the 8 business surveys completed:

Don’t use any energy-saving practices in their business

Find comparing energy prices to be very important when choosing a energy provider

List ‘Price’ as their main motivation to choose an energy company

Business Insights 
8 1:1 interviews  

“I look for an energy provider with great reviews and competitive pricing”

“i am time poor, so speed is everything to me, from signing up to knowing how to use the product”

“I didn't compare plans when I set up my business. I went with the same company that I am with for my home.

“i feel renewables is the way forward”

From the 45 residential surveys completed:

Consume the majority of their energy between 3 PM - 1 AM

Rent the property they are living in

Use a mobile device when researching about energy

Residential Insights 
18 1:1 interviews  

“I definitely value sustainability in a provider”

“I have thought about more sustainable options for the household but would only consider it if its budget friendly”

“I would prefer sustainable/renewable options if they were competitive in price”

“I would like to use green energy wherever possible”


Revised Residential Problem Statement

"Australians lack motivation to find out where their power comes from and are unsure where to check to see if their energy is renewable and if it benefits them cost-wise."

Revised Business Problem Statement

"Australian Businesses are struggling to sign up to another competitive provider because they are time poor with understanding what deal is best and the information on renewable energy is unclear."

Business MVP

Business MVP

Residential MVP

Key themes from ideation session

Website Flow

App Flow

Decided deliverables 

As a team we validated what our key deliverables would be, which resulted in 4 main deliverables as shown. With limited time on our hands we broke into agile working teams so that we could work on all sections simultaneously. 

Bill Comparison

Aiming to uplift and improve upon the current bill comparison tool, and to make it as frictionless as possible. 

Usability tested the original bill comparison feature  which rated a 6.65/10 for its ease of use, against an alternative flow created by our team. 8/10 preferred the alternative.  

Through further refinement and usability testing ease of use for the uplifted version rose to 8.82 and 8.72 for desirability.

Website Uplift

iO Energy already had a fairly intriguing website, the goal for us was to workshop how to further enhance it. The 4 main sections that we felt could be enhanced were additional call to actions, a ‘Find my plan / quiz’ featurePlan comparison refinement and an iO customer map

Low Fidelity testing rated the wireframes a 7.6/10 for ease of use, whilst 3/7 Julies also felt they lacked understanding in energy terminology.

High Fidelity usability testing showed an ease of use increase from 7.6 to 8.8/10. The added in quiz feature saw 50% of Julies tested say that it was their favourite feature. 

Sign up Journey

Goal was to remove all friction from the sign up journey and to make it as seamless as possible. 

7 Julies rated the current flow a 7.8/10, whilst it also took them a total time of 5 and a half minutes to get through. Easier verification, back buttons, language and terminology explanations were all added to eliminate friction. 

Ease of signing up flow rated 9.3/10 from 9 Julie's tested, whilst time it takes to complete the flow was reduced by 2 minutes

Phone Mobile App

iO Energy have never has a mobile app interface therefore we designed from scratch. Goal was to create a seamless app correlating to the websites aesthetic which only existing iO customers can access.

Pay outstanding bills, view energy usage, track clean energy cycles and discover more about iO are amongst key features to the app.

Ease of use rating 7.6/10, suggesting their is still room for improvement and that further usability testing needs to be completed. 

Bonus Wearable Tech

As a bonus deliverable we wanted to pitch a wild idea to our client which took shape as a wearable technology such as an apple watch, which you would be able use to track your energy consumption and check other analytical pieces of information. 

Low fidelity tested with 2 Julies. The ease of use rated 10/10 whilst 2/2 Julies stated the information was clear to understand

Next Steps

Whilst we only had 10 working days to complete this project, these are a few of the next steps we would take in order to achieve an even more complete product.

Further testing


Behaviour change

Refine accessibility 

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