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Hello! And welcome to my portfolio, a place where I get to share my projects to world.



A quick overview, having recently transitioned from the industry of Industrial Design where I've spent the last 2 years of my life working, I now draw my attention to a new found love in User Experience. I bring with me not only a sound amount experience in dealing and communicating with a diverse range of clients, but also a knowledgable mindset on how to see a job through. Admittedly however, I still wish to learn and grow more as an individual. Wherever my next venture takes me I hope to take away as much as I can and use it to continuously push myself forward and educate others around me. 

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What I want to achieve, as a designer I want to help people, as I understand the significance of designing for the user further outweighs the satisfaction in designing for one's self. In my past experience, I have seen the variance in the type of designer people shortly become, those who design for themselves and those who find enjoyment in solving the user's pain point. 

What I have to offer, I class myself as an empathetic individual who finds enjoyment in helping others achieve a goal, solve a problem, or create a solution. I believe an empathetic nature is one, if not the most crucial elements to carry in this industry, and lucky enough, I feel I can implement it exceptionally well. 

Put your trust in me



294 Lennox st, 



0467 323 368



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